Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children

Vision therapy is a type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain. It is used to treat binocular vision problems and eye movement disorders. Vision therapy is also known as visual training, eye exercises, or vision training. If you are looking for vision therapy for children you may visit Dr Dorio Eyecare.

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There are many benefits of vision therapy for children. It can help improve their overall academic performance, fine motor skills, and social skills. Additionally, it can also help with conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eyes), and convergence insufficiency (eye fatigue).

One of the most important benefits of vision therapy is that it can help improve a child’s academic performance. Studies have shown that children who receive vision therapy have better grades and test scores than those who do not. Additionally, vision therapy can also help with reading comprehension and fluency.

Fine motor skills are another area where vision therapy can be beneficial for children. Fine motor skills are the ability to use small muscles in the hands to perform tasks such as writing or buttoning a shirt. Many children with poor fine motor skills also have difficulty with handwriting. Vision therapy can help improve fine motor skills by teaching children how to use their eyes and hands together more effectively.

Social skills are another area where vision therapy can be helpful for children. Many children with visual impairments or other developmental delays have difficulty socializing with their peers. They may have trouble making eye contact, understanding body language, or reading facial expressions. Vision therapy can help these children learn these important social skills.

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