What You Need To Know About Physical Therapist Services

Physical therapists are highly trained healthcare professionals who specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal, neurological, and functional conditions. Physical therapists provide a variety of services to help patients return to their pre-injury or pre-illness activities and improve their overall health and quality of life. 

Physical therapy is the cornerstone of physical therapist services. It is a rehabilitative service that applies scientifically-proven techniques and evidence-based principles to help patients improve their movement, reduce pain, and improve function. They use a variety of modalities such as therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and modalities to help patients achieve their goals.

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Manual therapy is another type of physical therapist service. It includes the application of hands-on techniques to the musculoskeletal system such as massage, joint mobilizations, and soft tissue mobilization. Manual therapy helps to reduce pain, improve motion, and improve function.

Exercise prescription is the process of developing a tailored program of exercise and activities to help a patient achieve their goals. Physical therapists design individualized exercise programs that are tailored to the patient’s specific goals and needs. 

Finally, patient education is an important part of physical therapist services. Physical therapists provide instruction on how to manage a condition, how to use assistive devices, how to perform exercises safely, and how to prevent future injury or illness. This education helps to ensure that the patient is able to safely and effectively manage their condition and reach their goals.

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