How Does Investigative Journalism Work?

Investigative journalism is a type of journalism that relies on seeking out information and investigating alleged wrongdoing. It is often used to expose government fraud, corruption, or other abuses of power.

Investigative journalists use a variety of techniques to gather information, including interviews, document review, and research. They may also use their own equipment to gather evidence or interview witnesses. If you want to know more about news written by journalist, you can also visit

The origins of investigative journalism can be traced back to the early days of newspapers. In the 1800s, journalists began to uncover public scandals such as the Whiskey Ring and the Dreyfus Affair. Since then, investigative journalism has become an important tool for exposing government corruption and wrongdoing.

Today, investigative journalists use a variety of tools to investigate allegations of wrongdoing. They may use undercover methods to investigate criminal organizations or government officials. They may also use computer technology to track down information.

Investigative journalism is a complex process that requires a lot of skill and knowledge. Many professional investigative journalists have degrees in law or journalism. They also have years of experience working in the field.

Investigative journalists use their skills and resources to investigate potential stories and track down leads. They then use their investigative findings to expose wrongdoing and corruption.

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