Reasons Why You Should Own a Home Putting Green

If you're looking to increase the value of your property, adding a putting green turf might be a great investment. Not only will this amenity improve the curb appeal of your home, but it can also add value to your property by increasing its marketability. 

How to Install a Backyard Putting Green

If you're looking to increase the value of your home, premium indoor putting greens are a great investment.

Here's how to install one:

1) Choose The Right Location: A putting green turf should be placed in an area with plenty of sunlight and good drainage. It shouldn't be in direct sunlight, as this will cause fading.

2) Prepare The Ground: If you have loose soil, loosen it up before installing your putting green by digging down about 8 inches and filling in with a good layer of compost or soil amendment. If you have hard soil, you'll need to dig down more and add a layer of gravel or crushed stone to help stabilize the surface.

3) Install The Putting Green Mat: Line the bottom of your putting green with a putting green mat made from treated lumber or plastic covered in vinyl turf (available at most home improvement stores). This will protect your grass and keep it clean.

4) Install The Teepee Poles: Attach teepee poles (available at most home improvement stores) to each end of the mat using galvanized wire cable ties. Make sure that the poles are level and that they're long enough so that you can stand inside them while hitting balls.

If you're looking to improve the value of your property, a backyard putting green turf is a great way to do it.

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