An Introduction to Anxiety and How Anxiety Effects People Differently

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD for short) is a disorder that affects many people, and leaves ordinary people concerned about the events in their daily lives. Individuals feel that something bad is going to happen, and find themselves in a constant state of distress of family and friends, their health, and issues of money for just a few names – the list is literally endless.

This fear is not rational, or fear, can easily start to take over the lives of individuals and can seriously interfere with the things that we take for granted, such as being able to go to work, enjoy a social event, or be in a healthy relationship. You can get to know about  Silicon Valley therapy and counseling services via

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Symptoms of Anxiety

While anxiety affects a person's thinking process, also manifests itself in physical symptoms such as headaches and anxiety, fatigue or lethargy, a short temper, shaking and difficulty going to sleep. While the exact cause of anxiety remains a mystery, it has been proven that a variety of factors can contribute to the development of anxiety. These factors include the genetic make up of the person, brain chemistry, and also one's surroundings.

A connection has been found between GAD and abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters are chemicals that convey electrical signals between nerve cells, and when these become unbalanced brain can not interpret the signal correctly. In turn, this modifies a person's reaction to situations and events, and cause anxiety. 

How to Treat Anxiety?

Mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists trained to diagnose and treat all mental illnesses, including anxiety. Treatments include medication mixture, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, was very helpful for patients who are anxious already started to seriously disrupt their daily lives. 

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